The adventures are simple and straightforward – three are ground combats with a mixture of exploration/investigation, and two are starship battles. The product consists of five linked adventures (“Quests”) designed to take an hour of game time for five 1st-level characters (and of course there are pregens available separately – along with some useful guidance about what starship roles they will be most effective at in the ship combats.
The link takes you to Paizo’s website, but it’s a free download, and it’s worth a look even if you’re not keen on Starfinder (although you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it) – as we’ll talk about here (If you want to see another example of a #1H1S, written by yours truly, head to D101 games and download (also free) Bite of The Crocodile God, my 1-hour game for Hunters of Alexandria). I’ve blogged before here about trying to prep and deliver an effective one-hour introductory game (and attempted to use the #1H1S abbreviation!), so I was pleasantly surprised to find out about the Starfinder Quests packaged together as Into the Unknown (ITU). Prep Techniques: The… on Prep Techniques: Three Pl… Prep Techniques: The… on Prep Techniques: The Con … Prep Techniques: The… on Prep Techniques: A Bag of… List of Resources fo… on Dungeon World One-Shots Prep Techniques: Bos… on Prep Techniques: The Boss… Stars and Wishes – because Feedback is Hard.